Release grip on life
Hang loose
Allow transformation
Allow growth.
Allow God to work with and through me. If God had given the caterpillar an ego and self choice, there would be so few butterflies in this world. How could any caterpillar begin to dream he could ever soar the skies, much less, dawn wings of fabulous colors? Who would he be to dream such dreams, he that crawled the earth at such a slow pace?
Things will look much worse, before they look better. All you have and know will dissolve before you, preparing the way for greater good to come into your life.
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Unfoldment - Just as the butterfly emerges from the cocoon reborn anew, from the death of its past life as a lowly earth bound creature, and unfolds his wings to expose, reveal and realize, his own beauty, mastery and ability to live a new life on such a higher plane of existence than ever before dreamed, we as well will unfold the wings of our consciousness to behold our own beauty, mastery and ability to create wonderful worlds end to end for eternity, when we realize we are One, realize, know, and fully feel we are One with All, whom is God as God is All in Perfection.
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More about the butterfly - As the caterpillar changes from his low and confined self to the new and free beauty, the unlimited form of the butterfly, he is reborn joyously perfect and beautifully free. He drinks nectar, the sweet life, and suckles on pureness and truth. The caterpillar does not slowly exchange a leg for a wing, the old dissolves back into the pure potential and then again manifests from original source as perfection, God’s ideal.
Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente