You may look at others, oh yes, please do and admire what you will. For what you admire is the will you create for the life you live. All you see, all you hear can be yours. What would you like to know? What would you like to show? See it. Hear it. Think it. This is your life. Your testament is your word, your action, your being.
No limits you have, excepting those you know to be true. Whatever you have decided is. So why limit what you know? Undo the chains that bind your mind. Let go of all you know. For what you know is so little, so small, so meager. I see you living so large, so high, so tall. Whose vision appeals to you now, that of the earthworm or the butterfly? By your choice, your mind, your will, you can be either.
It’s okay to be in a state of unknowing. Yes, it is perfectly fine not to know all the answers. What is important is your wanting to know and believing you can know. This very attitude unlocks the door to wisdom untold. When you feel sure and certain things are a specific way or will be a specific way, you are limiting opportunity. You are limiting your opportunity for better to come into your life. You only will know what you know, when your mind is so set.
Instead, I invite you to release your hold on what you think possible for your life. I invite you to invite in new possibilities. I say, ask only for the best. Say to yourself, “I want, and deserve, and I will have the best life I can have. I open my heart to all the highest and best life has for me. Joy is my destiny.” Ask and it is given. Think what you want. What are you looking at? Rest your head. Open your heart. All of Mine is yours. Don’t block the flow of good coming to you. Sing and shout praises.
Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente