be. After the time of silence, when you sense that the other has relieved himself of the thought he wished to express, you may ask “Would you like my help? Do you care to hear my thoughts? Would you like a different perspective?” Then sit tight, continue to hold your tongue. For unless the other asks for your help, give none. For any help or wisdom words you may give which are unsolicited will be lost or pushed away by the other. He will not have ears to hear. His ego nature will be quick to defend his situation and his evaluation of it to the end, for better or worse.
These same rules are for all of the Truth, Wisdom and Knowledge given by Spirit. It’s always available for the asking but unless one asks for help and listens with an open heart and head, he will not have ears to hear or eyes to see. So learn this lesson now, as the listener and the questioner. Wisdom is available and this Wisdom is a Treasure, a Golden Treasure which can only be found by the earnest seeker. Open your heart and mind to this Truth.
Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente