God has watched this weary cycle of man. He has witnessed the love man has had for God and others and seen the turmoil man has been in. “Oh,” God said, “if only I could “save man” from himself.” And then God, being God, realized that with that very thought that He could and He did. What God did with that very thought was create a new opportunity for man, the opportunity for salvation.
Yes, “opportunity” is the key word here. A new possibility was now available. Just as all the other gifts of God, this gift could only be bestowed on man at man’s request. It would never be a gift reserved for the “worthy,” as in God’s eyes every one of His creations, His children, were worthy by birthright, by the fact that they existed. What was necessary for the bestowal of this great gift was man’s understanding of his worthiness. Each man, each being, had to understand that he was worthy by nature of God’s love no matter his soul condition. For all are worthy beings and loved by God, even if and as they may be living in denial of God’s very being and their constant connection to God, their Source.
Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente