We are told Jesus Christ came to preach “The Good News,” the Gospel. He and his apostles proclaimed the “Good News” while Jesus walked and talked as man, as Christ on earth, all before his crucifixion, death and resurrection. So what was this “Good News” they preached? Was it the same stories we have heard it in church and read in the bible? The stories that proclaim Jesus as the “only Son of God” and that Jesus was God and of his resurrection from the dead? It couldn’t have been. Jesus never proclaimed he was God, Jesus as Christ said he was one with God. His whole mission and ministry was focused on leading us on this same path, so each of us as well, may feel and know God as our Father. Know God so well and be so filled with Divine Love that God’s Will automatically becomes our will and thus we are as well “one in being with the Father,” the Father, our Creator, Mother, Source, All, the Universe, Parent, Life, Wholeness, Completeness, return to our True Being. To many it’s a riddle that can’t be solved. God is the key. It’s not a brain thing. The brain is too small for such understanding. One has to let go of preconceived ideas, quiet the brain, the busy chattering mind. One has to check out of this physical reality and check in with their spiritual center. God is our spiritual core. God is good and good is our essence, our Truest Self. The one we forgot about. The one we stopped listening to. The one we don’t trust. The one whom is waiting. Saints and sinners, two groups or one? I want to be a saint. Please forgive my errors of thinking, speaking, judgment, non-action. Take me in, into Your arms. Hold me close. Never let me go. I need help. I need Your help. I am ready. You called My Name Here I am Private relationship Go alone and pray Go into your closet and pray Invite Me in Take Me in No room for worry Strength Stronghold Security Breath Flow Flourish Nourish Enrich Take it to the Highest Power Power Source Take the lead Re-search Look again Into the quiet Find the calm The blessing happens Faith in the phenomenal I am Feel your way Inner trust Our moment Dwell in the Light Be patient If we trust There is no darkness. Do you have faith? If so, faith in what? You say, “Faith in God” What do you mean by that? Do you mean that you know God exists? Do you mean that you know God? Perhaps you say you have faith Faith that God knows best for you That you trust God’s Will So what do you believe God’s Will is? Do you say when something happens that It is the Will of God, just because it happens? Is this your response, whether you perceive A situation as good or bad? Do you delight and praise God When all is well? Or do you give God a second thought? As all is going so well for you By your estimation that You don’t need God’s help? What about when you feel life is wrong Or unfair to you or others Do you blame God? Do you ask why God Would let bad things happen? Do you accept this as the Will of God? Are you angry? Do you think God is angry? Mean and uncaring? Wow, that’s really heavy stuff and exactly what I believe many people believe. I once did too, but no more. I have a new understanding of God. I have a new understanding of how the universe works. I have a new understanding of how God’s Will is done. It’s all up to us, each one of us really. The prayer attributed to Jesus Christ, the Lord’s Prayer, says we are to pray “May Thy Will be done.” So what is God’s Will and how is it done? God’s Will is for each and every one of us to know His Being intimately. We do this by silencing our own mind and tuning into the higher frequency of God mind. God gave each of us our own free will; free will to do as we like on our own, living only on the physical plane or rising higher and living higher by acknowledging and listening to our “Spiritual Essence.” There, we find God. God wants us each individually to seek Him. He wants us each to come home, back to His arms. He wants each of us to love Him and want His Love. He is so ready to fill each one of us up with his all-powerful Divine Love. Divine Love is the essence of God. God offers the Gift of His “Divine Essence” to each one. First we have to ready our hearts. We have to build a worthy temple, a worthy temple in our own being, the truth of us, our heart and soul. Through Moses we learned of the Ten Commandments of God. Yes, this is God’s Will but as humans we find it not so easy to do. We most often fail at keeping these laws. God knows, He wants to help us, help Him. God wants to make it easier for each of us to help Him, to do His Will. When we ready our hearts and drop to our knees and ask to be filled with His Love, God will give His Divine Love to us. It’s a one on one thing. No one can petition for another for God’s Will or God’s Love to fill another’s soul. It’s a matter of surrender, surrendering the idea of self importance, surrendering one’s own will to the Will of God. Never fear God’s right here! Love is the opposite of fear God is Love Thus when one lives in fear They live as though God is not near God is good When you believe in good You believe in God Who fear’s good? Look for good Look for God Good is not to be feared God is not to be feared Fear not So is fear a sin? To sin is to miss the mark Sinning is error thinking So what do you think? God is our refuge Make your heart a worthy place A holy shrine for God Fear not, God is with you I am right here Too good to be true What a statement What a sad statement Life is good You have to look for it though Remember, seek and you shall find It’s a matter of what you are looking for Not where you look Open your eyes Wipe away the mud. I believe in good, for goodness sake. I believe good is the truth. Find Me here Walk this way Way to go Go ahead Lend an ear Leading the way Universal viewpoint All knowing All seeing The wonderful world of God As you believe Watch what you think Be careful what you say Be nice Let your words be kind Send love with every breath Feel Me Be Me I need your presence I need you Inquire within Divine Council Ask Me Feelin’ groovy In the groove of life. Whatever comes to me, I am not making this up. For real Real good Real God. I’d like to know more. Information please Wisdom ways Incubate an idea Sleep on it The Gospel according to… Matthew, Mark, Luke & John? The Gospel word The Gospel means “Good News” God still speaks. I am prompted, urged, possessed to record these “thoughts” that come to me. They are not to be Divine secrets. They are to be told, to be written and to be recorded, to be manifested, to be shared. We are to be the voice of God in the physical, a link between the two worlds, a medium. Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente |
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I'm a passionate fine art painter awakening to a deeper sense of purpose and connectedness with the universe everyday. This is a story of my journey. - Debra Clemente ![]() join the conversation