The reason man has not found perfection in his ability to live fully God’s Will, or at least only a handful have made this attainment, is that he believes he is to refine himself all by his own doing. This is an impossible feat. The way has been shown and the way to a perfect heart is not through any ways of man. You see, the ways of man are the ways of the mind of man, as he reasons and thinks. Try as he may to control his mind no man can think his self into perfection. It is not a matter of his will. Man’s singular self, his ego, believes so in himself that he is all that he can see and thus know. The ego keeps mankind from evolving into God kind.
The way to God is the way to Love. The way to God’s Love is the answer to all. The total answer, the Truth in it’s most condensed form. God is Love, a special kind of Love, Divine Love. A Love that is ready and waiting to be poured into willing hearts and souls. A willing heart is all that is needed, not a perfect pure heart. God says come to Me as you are and I will make you clean. Desire only Me and I will see that your life is good and plenty.
Get out of your thinking mind, the hold of the ego, and come to Me with an open and willing heart full of wonder and awe as a child. Ask Me questions. Want to know. Seek and ye shall find. Show Me your gratitude. Show Me your reverence and I will show you how beautiful the world really is. All I want, says God, is to fill you with My Everlasting Sweet Love which will purify and raise your soul. This is My Will for all, all who come to Me on bended knee, tired and weary from the world. Those who seek Me, truly seek Me, will find Me and I will give them rest. I will gladden their hearts and give them wisdom untold. This is My Story. It has been the same for all days of old.
You cannot begin to follow my Will by the power of your mind. You are not strong enough, temptation is too great. This is why you are to pray to Me to lead you out of temptation and deliver you from evil. This, My most Divine Love will do for you as it fills you and purifies your heart bit by bit.
Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente