This is becoming clear to my psyche.
Love is the rule. Love the Lord God with all your heart and mind. Love your neighbor as yourself. Faith, speaking in tongues, healing and prophesying are good but if one has not Love, they are all works in vain. This Love is special. It is Divine. It is God’s love, a gift for our hearts, free for the asking, a gift of Spirit, Holy Spirit. Feels like home.
I hear what you are saying.
Love is the rule and better yet, when Divine Love fills your heart, Love rules your heart. No rules are needed.
Why do people need rules?
People need rules until they get it right, until the rightness becomes them. Very few, of those Paul preached to, actually received “the gift.” If the people truly had, they wouldn’t have needed his rules. And our history would have been full of saints, so full of saints that they would not be historically regarded as extraordinary but ordinary Christians.
To be so filled with the gifts”of the Holy Spirit, to be bursting with Divine Love, is the gift Jesus Christ brought to Earth from God. When the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus of Nazareth he became the Christ, all at once his complete essence was of God. Jesus was the first ever to so embody the essence of God, Divine Love. When He did so, He did it completely. All at once. For so great was his love of God and desire to be one with Him.
The life Jesus lived, as Christ, was to show us what would be possible as well for each of us. We were to believe in him, believe that he was such a manifestation of God. And to believe that we could as well be such and command the universe, such as Jesus did. Jesus said that “Christ” would come again and live through us and when “Christ” descended upon us we would be delivered from ourselves, from our old nature. We would be given new eyes to see and new ears to hear. That’s all for now.
The words that fill the pages before this are not “my thoughts.” These words are “my thoughts.” I think the words before were divinely inspired knowings. Delivered to my soul, and translated by my soul, to my psyche which wrote them in this journal. They are a direct manifestation of my soul’s development and thus a result of my ability to know things higher. These ideas are not pre-formulated in my mind. They are “discoveries” to me that sit right with my mind, for I am ready to know them.
Don’t think you have to know everything, for if you thought you knew everything, you would not be able to know all there is for you to know. Don’t be a know it all. Be a seeker, a seeker of Truth, which is Love.
Jesus went away for forty days “to the desert.” He was alone with himself, with his “ego” and his “conscious,” doing soul work, fighting with “the demons” of his mind and being consoled by “the angels” of his soul. He was digesting “the gift” of his Father, he was becoming more than mere man, he was having a conversion experience, the conversion experience from which he emerged as “Christ” God’s only begotten son. At that time, Jesus, as Christ, was the first to be fully “born again spiritually.” Through the power of the Holy Spirit, he was filled so with God’s Divine Love that he was one in being with the Father. Some will say, you don’t know, but this has to be told.
I used to think the first book I would write would be called Art Lessons, and indeed there still may be such a book. But the book I write today I call Life Lessons, for this is the lesson for this life of mine. No one else has a perfect lesson plan for my life. And my lesson plan cannot be perfect for any other and yet by reading my lessons, it is my hope that another may awaken to their own truth teachings which lay in wait deep in their own soul, waiting to be discovered and treasured.
Wisdom warrior, your heart chakra is growing. Be filled with God’s Divine Love.
Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente