“I just want to be mad for a while.” It’s the title to a song, which I sing like it is my soul song, but this I don’t truly wish, I want to let go and go on. Lord, please help me to release the hold I feel I must have on life.
Mood alteration federation, a way to see, a way to be, on this earth more kindly. Make peace with who you are, with where you are, and with whom you are around. Let us resound, Peace be with you all around.
I like when I am more than my mere self. I can help myself be more, love more fully, by diving deep and discovering the true treasure that lies within my very being, within the depth of my soul. I can choose to bring these riches to light, to my surface, the Riches of God’s Kingdom, Heaven on Earth, unearthed in me.
Let My Light be seen. Rise and shine. The door is open. True Love beckons. The “soul Truth” is here for you. Secret admirer, yours truly. Do over, make over. Make up your mind to live beyond your mind.
Excerpted from the book Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente