You’ve got questions. We’ve got answers. I think it’s funny. I laugh at coincidence. I see humor in life. Life is a joy to me, a continual joy. Do you feel the joy, the joy in life, the joy in living? Feel your way to Me. Crawl inside My heart. My heart is the womb of your birth, rebirth yourself through My love. Weak minded people are not those who have given their will unto God’s Will, for those men and women are of strong mind and heart knowing God’s will is the will of the betterment of all mankind. You can find a way to do as you want to do. My way is your way. Come be “the Way,” through Me. See the beauty in My love, the beauty which surrounds you, the beauty which engulfs you, the beauty which holds you close in a loving embrace. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear will welcome these words. Life gives each one many opportunities to choose between bitter and better. Everyone’s opinion matters, matters only unto themselves. If you believe as another says, then that belief will have an effect on you and your life, good or bad. All points can be considered but only believe what you want. It has been said that man can accomplish anything he sets his mind to, but it is better said that anything can be accomplished when one’s heart is set on it. For the mind of man is limiting and only knows what it knows. But an open heart can know all and will soar unto the heavens. Set your heart aright. Come unto Me and I will cleanse your heart. Be pure of heart and full of My love. My love knows no limits. Do not limit yourself by living through your mind. Open your heart and let My love flood in. God is not one thing. God is All, One in being and truth. Do not chastise any other for their belief or unbelief. Love is the only way, the only way to be the light. These words are spoken unto my heart. God knows my heart. God knows I want to walk in the purity of His ways. God knows I want to know His ways and wisdom and thus delivers these words unto my heart. Walk with Me and talk with Me. God remains no longer a fairy tale or mystery of which my mind tries to believe. I know God with all my heart and love God with all my heart and mind. This is the faith of the saints. The path for true wisdom for mankind lies not within his brain or mind but within his heart. For the heart is the path for true knowing. Do you doubt My voice? The path of wisdom, for all true knowing, lies within the heart. The mind has to be circumvented to allow new information, truth to be exposed. This is why dreams are helpful for man’s conscious mind is turned off and his subconscious mind is free to explore new concepts. Thanks for listening. My words as given, by man to man, are always under scrutiny as to whether the ideas presented hold true to the doctrine of God as set forth by man. I welcome scrutiny of the heart. By all means, please I beg of you, to contemplate within your heart all new ideas presented to you. What I take offense at is that man continually appraises new ideas with his mind, comparing and judging new ideas against what he has decided he knows. Have you not yet learned not to judge? No man is a worthy judge of another, himself or an idea. For all is under God, and God is great, so very great that His wisdom, His truth, can only be known through the heart. So stop thinking about everything. Rest your busy monkey mind and let something just be. Be as you are and sit with new ideas that intrigue you if you wish to know and grow. But if you take each new idea and hold it up to see how it measures with the ideas you already have you will be stagnant and never come forward into My Kingdom. Being observant and judgeful are two very separate ideas and ways. Let Me entertain you. Come watch the sun rise and set. Watch the dance of the leaves in the wind. Follow the flight of the birds in the sky. Cherish the scent of the roses. Run through the pasture and wade in the clear cool stream. Let Me entertain you. You will not be bored. Friends for the journey, We are your friends for the journey, the journey of your life. Welcome us in. We are here to guide, to listen, to love life with you. How can this be? Why can it not be? Why would you not want it to be? Does it not comfort you to know that you are not in this life alone? We are here for you. We are your most loving Spiritual Family. We come from a higher perspective of life, which we love to share with you and We will as you allow, as you will us to be a part of your life. We are God’s love for you. To know God is to know God’s love. Time to tell what you know. The way we will show. It will be a wonderful ride for your love you cannot hide. We will show you the way each and everyday. Remain open to our love. Hold open the door. Let the light of love shine within your heart. As Jesus knew, so shall you. Be excited for this news is good. Everything is as it should be, forevermore. You shall find an abundance of light within your heart. This is a wonderful day to start to know the wonderful plan We have for you, the wonderful things you are going to do. Keep all this information close to your heart. Let it fill you and lift you high above the matters of the world. This is a cause for joy and celebration, the celebration of your new life. Look what you have found so far. So far you have come, and far you will go. You will continue to rise unto us in thought, word, and deed as there is no limit to Our Love there is no limit to your knowing. As you allow, you shall know the fullness of God’s Love. Youth has its splendor. Do you believe in youth eternal? Youth eternal is knowing the fullness and joy in life forevermore. In this you should believe, for it is more than possible. It is the way of God. Who are the saints of today? Whoever does the will of God. This is the highest attainment. Give all glory to God. Set your heart on what is right and true. Life is not a competition. Rise above the rocky stuff. I used to have to guard my thoughts; now my thoughts guard and guide me. That is a revolution and a revelation, all because of one thing, the gift of Divine Love into my heart. Do what you want. Be who you are. Be My “angel baby.” Be My love in the world. For God so loved the world that He rained His love upon it into the hearts of the willing, those whom chose His will above their own. This is the love story of God. Tell it again and again. Amen! He who gives his will to God gives God everything he is. Some say that all is the will of God and whatever befalls them is of God’s hand. But they have forgotten, or not understood, that God gave each person a free will to live the life of his choosing and that by each one’s thoughts and action their life is made. The will of God is always good, good for all, the best there is, the best of the whole of the universe. It is the holiest. The will of God is therefore above the will of man whom lives in sense consciousness. The will of God is what man is to aspire to, to be all that he can be. But man alone, by his own power, cannot follow the will of God. He cannot make his own will into the will of God by any means of his own will. It is only by the surrendering of his own will that man can obtain the grace to live the will of God. This grace is a gift of God. This grace is God’s Divine Love which God gladly delivers into repentant and God willing hearts. Repentant of the ways and holds of their own will. Pleading for the infilling of such grace by God to change them from mere mortal beings with the will of man into holy creatures which can by the will and love of God do no other than the will of God. This will of God is love in its highest and fullest form God desires so for His will to be done on earth, but has left this as a choice for each and for all. We are free to do as we please and as well we are free to do as God pleases by offering the ultimate sacrifice to Our Maker, the free will He gave us upon our birth. And as we do, we are so filled with the grace of God’s Divine Love and we are reborn, birthed in Spirit unto the Lord. The abiding Peace which surpasses all understanding Peace of mind The Peace promised by the angel of the nativity And on earth, Peace to men of good will Continual serenity of the soul God only wishes our good. The will of God is being supplanted into my heart. My ego has moved over and is on its way out. I am the Christ in expression for all. You cannot pick and choose My words. No more than you can pick and choose My ways. My ways are My ways. My Will be done through you on earth. It is no longer my choice. I have given my will over to God. Let all your words be beautiful and ring true to the Truth you know within your heart. I hear the messages spoken unto my heart. Make all your words kind and sweet. Be a man or woman of your word for you are made or unmade by the words you keep within your heart. What does your mind allow you to know or not know? In your head or your heart? These are the questions each should ask unto themselves: am I following the way of God which I know in my head or my heart? Only the heart knows the truth of God. Many things are done in the name of God which are not “good for all.” This is a sure sign that these actions do not arise from the truth of God, but instead from the mind, passed from mind to mind as the singular way to God, as the “truth.” Which must be so fought for and defended that all other ideas must be condemned. And even so must the men that hold ideas contrary, for they are considered “condemned men” to be killed along with their ideas. Thankfully, people of such low consciousness are far fewer than have been in days of old. But the effects and power of their thinking still has a hold on the world breeding fear and thus more hate. None, absolutely none of this, is of God. Not the initial anger and righteousness, nor the fear. God watches and waits, waits for the world as a whole to wake up to the truth, waits for the world to free itself from the hold of its own selfish ideas, waits for man to choose His will, God’s true will, not the will of man. The will of man arises from the mind of man. The mind of man is small and narrow in view in comparison to the Great Mind of God. The Great Mind of God is where God’s will resides. Man can access this Great Mind only through his heart. The heart we speak of is not the heart muscle which beats to the rhythm of your life pulse. Your heart, your living heart, is actually your soul, which has been implanted into your body and remains with your body as long as your heart beats. Your soul resides within the area of your heart. This is why you get such feelings you describe as tugging on your heart. This is your heart and soul. Each must listen to their heart/soul center for Supreme Guidance. Excerpt from: Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story by Debra Clemente |
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I'm a passionate fine art painter awakening to a deeper sense of purpose and connectedness with the universe everyday. This is a story of my journey. - Debra Clemente ![]() join the conversation